Amigurumi dinosaur and currently reading

Yesterday I finished my first attempt at amigurmi crochet.  I followed this pattern to make a dinosaur for my 2 year old nephew.

It’s not perfect but I’m pleased that I have made it. I think I needed to use a smaller hook, as the wool is only 4 ply and you can see on the arms, the stitches are stretched too wide (or perhaps I’ve just over stuffed them). I also noticed when I was linking up the pattern that I had attached the legs to the body the wrong way round! Never the less I am happy with this dinosaur and hope my nephew will like it too.

When I first started learning to crochet before Christmas I struggled with the magic ring technique needed to do amigurumi but after completing my blanket I tried again and found it much easier. Obviously all the crochet practice made all the difference. Now I just need to decide what to make next.

Last week I finished reading When god was a rabbit by Sarah Winman. I can’t say I was that impressed with the book to be honest but I liked it enough to read it through to the end (an improvement on the book I read in February). I went to the library on saturday and found a few books that were on my list of books to read and dove straight in to the first wife by Emily Barr. At my current rate of one a month these will keep me going for some time! I’m hoping though that I will find more time to read with a selection of books that I can’t wait to read on hand. When I signed up to good reads last month, I joined the 2012 challenge and set my goal as 12 books.

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge

Claires365hasread 2 books toward her goal of 12 books.


Linking up with our creative spaces and finish it friday (finished too late for this weeks yarn along).

2 Responses to Amigurumi dinosaur and currently reading

  1. Mandy says:

    OH that dino is awesome! You did a fabulous job! I am definitely going to pinch that pattern to make one.
    I have the same problem. I went down hook size but stitches still open up a bit. I def over filled fox but it needed more.
    I like Emily Barr books I have read that one. It’s great. I like the look of the others. Will make a note for reading material for the year 2033…lol

  2. I’m absolutely in awe of your dinosaur. I have a dino mad 2YO who would go crazy for that. I’m very limited in my crochet ability (read – granny squares only), but I’m so inspired to give that a go. Thanks for the link to the pattern and for joining in with Finished It Friday. I love your book choices too, now following you on Goodreads. Cx

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